
As a software developer and tech-enthusiast I'm passionately driven by my need for innovation and challenges.I graduated from the University of Quebec in Montreal with a Bachelor in Software Engineering and Informatics

What am I looking for ?

I'm open to Front-end/Back-end, Full Stack and C++/JAVA positions in an innovating environment

My Current Challenge

Developing by myself a VOD (video on demand) plateform (PWA) supporting creators and Humanitarian associations, using React, Firetore and AWS services (S3 bucket, Lambda, Cloudfront)

Latest achievment

Developed an online FPS/Arcade game in a month using LUA and mutli-threading strategies (Achieved enjoyable gameplay at 60 FPS).

My top five subjects?

Artificial intelligence, Parrallel Programming, Human Interfaces, Web Development, Team Managment

My most voted Perks on Linkedin

Feel free to visit my linkedin page


13 endorsments

NodeJS and Web-technologies

13 endorsments

Project Managment

11 endorsments


7 endorsments




Video-wallet, A VOD plateform (React - Typescript - AWS)


Interactive 3D digital twins to manage and monitor Mines and Factories (React PWA - NodeJS- Typescript - Docker - Prisma - Matterport - Tailwind - Flowbite)

Round Warrior Game

Round Warriors, FPS Arcade Game (LUA - Multiplayer - Artificial Intelligence - Payment System - User Interface)

3D AI Generator

3D model generation by Artificial Intelligence (FBX SDK, C++,NLPjs)

Quote+ Quote+, simple financial quoting Web-app (Angular - Typescript - AWS Lambda).
AnnochatOnline chat room with pseudonyme, (Angular - Gitlab - Docker - Firestore - Firebase - Google Cloud Platform)

Elego Web-App, Drive responsibly (Angular - Typescript - NodeJS - Prisma ORM - SQL - Docker).

Holov Financial TrackerHolov Financial Tracker, Simple Asset Data and News collection App. (Angular - AWS)

More about me ...

Here you will find my academic achievements

  • Developed and designed programs in C++ on QTcreator using
    • basic multi-threading (pthreads)
    • OpenMP
    • TBB
    • MPI
    • ninja
    • CMake
    • Callgrind
    • Thread Sanitiser
    • Valgrind
  • Studied the causes of deadlock and how to prevent them from happening
  • Developed a parrallel K-means algorithm in C++ using multi-threading strategy with TBB
  • Used Compute Clusters (with SLURM, on Calcul Quebec), and  GPU Acceleration (CUDA,OpenCL,OpenACC)
  • performed measurements and benchmarks to conduct performance testing on a "3D chip heat simulator" program :
    • multi-thread (OpenMP + Tbb)
    • for 1, 2, 4, 8,16, 32 and 64 CPUs
    • 4 levels of Parallel refinement and 2 GPU's.
    • Visualized the results on Paraview.
    • Used slurm(sbatch & srun) and shell script (tubed the number of CPU and PR needed for the tests) to set up automation.
    • Produced a full on analytical report of the program and concluded with refactoring suggestions.

  • Developed a Markovian Decision Processes algorithm based AI to solve multiple degree of difficulty for Sokoban game using various heuristic (in JAVA)
  • Developed a Minimax algorithm for power 6 game (24x24 grid), beating the teacher's AI and winning class competition. (in C++)
  • Developed a Machine Learning program and using Neural Networks (with MLpack library) to predict the value of a real estate property based on its characteristic

  • Studying the rules and effect of design, Created wire-framed prototypes on Figma and defined user scenarios
  • Conducted a study in controlled and real environment (recognizing human expression through face video-recording and following human interaction through screen recording)

  • Studied multiple CVEs, ISOs, Resilient and mitigation strategies.
  • Part of a team of 3 we conducted a 3 months reasearch on CloudJacking, Crypto-jacking and Dylib/Dll Hyjacking that resulted in :
    • a structured 30 minutes precise presentation/demonstration showcasing various risks, threats and attack vectors for multiple environments. (Windows,Linux,MacOSX)
    • We also provided various contingency and mitigation plan to prevent those attack from happening and management strategies to deal the resulting consequences aswell.

  • In an Agile development environment, developed a Web-App to help Quebecers to find subvention to transit from gas powered vehicles to electric powered ones. :
    • Micro-Service architecture using Angular
    • TypeScript
    • TypeScript and NodeJS
    • SQL and ORM (Prisma)
    • Docker
    • NGINX
    • CI/CD environment with gitlab.
    • Used Guards, JWT, Encrypted database, Hash comparison methods etc ..
  • Team leader of 4 developers (+ myself) inside of a group of 3 teams working on the same product (21 developers in total). Dividing the project requirements vertically
  • all teams in charge of Deployment pipeline - Database design - Back end - Front end - Tests.
  • In charge of Calculating,Storing and Sending "the Results"
  • Managed my team with weekly scrum meetings, mixing on-site, asynchronous and hybrid method (had 1 to 2 intense peer-coding day per week)
  • Conducted interviews with the "Product Owner and Client" to produce a backlog for each teams
  • Used Gitlab with a similar approach to JIRA, created a deployment pipeline resulting in a CI/CD development running unit and integration test with shadow databases integration when needed
  • Explored PWA advantages over native apps (No App Store, fast download, light cache etc ...)
  • Finished the project in 3 Sprints (iteration) and completed 100% of the Milestones on each Sprint with my team
  • Performed Budget tracking with automated excel sheets and completed the project 20 000$ under the initial set budget.
  • Produced prototypes and UI kits before starting development phase on Figma that ended being used for development
  • Deployed numerous database migration with Prisma and developed a recurrent strategy for that.
  • Developed a Login System with Cookies, JWT tokens and expiring sessions
  • Using a public database, created a service calculating the average amount of money they could save by getting a specific model based on their personal weekly itinerary
  • Using a private API of UQAM, created a service calculating the average amount of time spent charging the battery of the car with each specific model based on their personal weekly itinerary.
  • Optimized network delay with long polling method on outwards API calls running itinerary simulations necessary to our back-end services.
  • Set up Forwarding rules with NGINX and CORS strategies.
  • Sanitised all inputs and carfully design Data Transfer Object (DTOs) to ensute safe data transmission between front, backend and database).
  • Created documentation for All front-end, back-end services and all used technologies in the project
  • Received congratulations from projects mentors and product-owner

  • Developed a basic messaging app with :
    • Angular (HTML,SCSS, Typescript)
    • JAVA Spring
    • Firestore
    • Docker
    • 75% of the code unit tested
    • Created integration tests for 75% of services
    • installed a CI/CD environment with gitlab.
    • Used Guards, JWT, Encrypted database, Hash comparison methods etc ..
  • Studied XSS, CSRF and SQL injection techniques and counter-solutions.
  • Studied Angular, Java Spring, Firestore, Docker and Kubernetes and performance issues in depth
  • Studied maintenance good practises with logs search engine, GUID requests and resilient system strategies.
  • Explored Cloud and Bare Metal solutions.
  • Studied all forms of testing and how to conduct them (Smoke,Unit, Integration, Validation,System,Load etc ...)
  • Explored PWA advantages over native apps (No App Store, fast download, light cache etc ...)

  • Studied Assembly code and RISC-V instruction set and functionality
  • Studied in depth the reasons and consequences of memory leaks.
  • Studied the security threats of buffer overflow in softwares
  • Studied the benefit and impact of Cache optimisation (caches misses, conflict and capacity)
  • Designed the data path of new instructions sets on RISC-V chip and data configuration
  • Discussed with the creator of PEP-8 language.
  • Studied the behaviour of Pipelined processors  and memory forwarding and instruction stalling due to their co-dependance.

  • Developed the Gobblet Game in Haskell ( with graphical interface and turn by turn mode)
  • Developed a puzzle game in Prolog
  • Understood the benefit of Both paradigm and the growing importance of it in more popular languages

  • Worked on Linux Kernel and libraries,
  • Studied all forms of process scheduler, assembly wrapper functions and basic multi-process and multi-threading (forks, pthreads, join etc ..
  • For studying purposes developed in C an Image processing pipeline portrating Producer and Consumer dynamic (applying multiple filters on image) .

Previously presented was what I considered relevant for most people interested my exprience. However I explored (in other class or my own time), various subjects such as :

  • Telecommunication protocols
  • Penetration tactics using Kali Linux tools (metasploit, wireshark, scripting etc ..)
  • ERP development, database design and deployment
  • Solidity development, Blockchain principles and smart contracts etc ...
  • Cloud computing and Serveless architectures (The website you are presently visiting is made with AWS S3, cloudfront and AWS Lambda)
  • Lua and game development technic ...

I also have a lot of extra-curricular activities, that taught me hard and soft skills.

  • Written an ethic study about Mixed Reality technologies (Apple Vision Pro,Meta Quest Pro, Occulus etc ...) with the help of Sofia website (research engine for research papers)
  • Attended conferences about cyber-security, web3, ERP solutions, GPU alternatives uses, data science with python etc ...
  • Funded a Federal company offering IT services on private and public markets to generate revenue on a project basis (irregular and spontaneous activity)
  • Conducted recruitment interviews and recruitment testings through micro-projects (Available on Git) for HolovR&D candidates .
  • Developed an FPS/arcade online game on my own in LUA (achieving < 60 FPS)
  • Created an early prototype for an "express mini dishwasher" with arduino and aquarium pump filter in order to reuse the water for the Year final Project Class (Electronic Central School in Paris)
  • For 3 years as a hobby, regurarly helped produce low visibility artist (video production, sound engineering and event booking) through a community association.
  • Lived and traveled across Europe, America, Asia, and Africa
  • Practise sport and martial art regularly (Golf, Tennis, Boxing, Soccer, Basketball, Snowboard, Karate, musculation etc ..)
  • Completed a Kinesiology class to learn about how sports influence our body measuring calories, calculating nutriments, understanding body mechanics, energy systems (ATP, Aerobic etc ..) to develop healthy habits and diets (Atkins,Cetogenese, Weight watch etc)
Linkedin Link
Github link
”Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in.”
by Leonardo di ser Piero Da Vinci - Engineer and Artist. 1452-1519
“ The technical man must not be lost in his own technology. He must be able to appreciate life; and life is art, drama, music, and most importantly, people”
by Fazlur Rahman Kan - Father of Skyscrapers, Pioneer in Computer Aided design (CAD), structural engineer and architect. 1929 - 1982
“Coding is : Really simple math, with complicated logic.”
by a Reddit User. 2020
“Look at usual things with unusual eyes.”
by Vico Magistretti - Italian Architect and industrial Designer. 1920-2006


If you wish to get access to the projects listed in this section, or for any other inquiries, please reach me through my socials